I desire to give readers a heads upwardly of my intention to wind up (or is it air current down?) my writings on the Salisbury case. I empathise that this may come up as a disappointment for some, so I retrieve I owe information technology to regular readers and commenters to set out my reasons for this.

Firstly, I have at present been writing well-nigh the example since March, which is fashion more than than I could ever take envisioned, and certainly more than I had intended. Every time I take been about to motility on, some new and crazy development has come upwardly in the case to thwart my plans, and somehow I take felt a compulsion to write about it. But 9 months is a long time to be writing largely about i thing, and moving on is probably overdue.

Secondly, as you can no dubiousness appreciate, writing what have often been quite detailed pieces on this case has taken upwards a significant amount of time, and together with attempting to be the best hubby I tin exist to my wonderful wife, a blessing to my half dozen amazing children, atomic number 82 a church, and work hard for my company, it'southward been a challenge at times to know which style is up and which way is down, if you catch my migrate. There's probably a name for it. Post-Salisbury Skripal Fatigue, or something like that. I could possibly apply for some kind of do good. Just all in all, as we come to the finish of the yr, it feels like a good time for a break.

Thirdly, I'm actually not sure that there's much more I tin do on the instance. I could probably sit here poking at the plethora of porkies till the cows come home, only I'm not certain that I'm going to get much farther than I have (I am, withal, chuffed with my own mixing of ingemination with porcine and bovine metaphors in the same sentence).

As I say, I realise that this might come as a disappointment to the many wonderful commenters I have had on this blog, whose contributions I am profoundly grateful for (yous know who y'all are). Just the reason I'm telling y'all this now is and then that those who desire to continue investigating information technology tin can possibly set up a new forum elsewhere. Hopefully one with an easy-to-read comments section! If someone does decide to do that, know that you have my permission to utilize any of the pieces I've written on this as you see fit, and also that you are welcome to point people to information technology in the comments section.

I also realise that when I do get back to business organization as usual on this web log, the kind of stuff I will write almost will no doubt hateful that my readership numbers will dwindle back to something like their pre-Skripal days, when you could probably have fitted the monthly numbers into a very small-scale befouled. I am, after all, a Reformed Christian and a "minor c" conservative, which for some reason is apparently non anybody's cup of tea. Can't retrieve why 😉 . Simply never mind. I never courted popularity, and and so I'm confident I shall cope with the new normal.

Having said all this, this is not me saying that I volition never write annihilation on this case again. Balance assured, if another round of crazy nonsense rears its ugly caput around the case, I'll most probably be back on it. And in fact what I hope to practise is one more slice earlier the new year, just rounding upwardly what I consider to be the biggest absurdities continued with the instance. Have compassion on me in that effort. Boiling it down to a few is no mean feat, every bit I'm certain you tin appreciate!

So there you have it. Once once more, my thanks to anybody who has contributed, and especially to the generally high level of civility people have accorded to one some other, which has led to some very insightful discussions.

Watch out for one more slice, and then — barring whatsoever more nonsense from the government, which can by no ways be guaranteed — I'm done. Do utilise this slice to continue comments, practice feel free to use anything I've written on the example, and do feel free to advertise the setting up of a new forum if y'all are inclined to practise then.

Onward and upward. To Narnia and the North.