Bo4 Quad Feeds With Strike Team

The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 The subject of this article appeared in Zombies mode The subject of this article appears in Blackout

The challenges withinCall of Duty: Black Ops 4 are separated according to game type (Global, Multiplayer, Blackout, and Zombies). They are used normally, so the rewarded calling card is displayed across all game types.

Global Challenges

Challenge Description
Initiated Reach Level 10 in Multiplayer, Level 10 in Zombies and Echelon 5 in Blackout.
Experienced Reach Level 25 in Multiplayer, Level 25 in Zombies and Echelon 10 in Blackout.
Challenge Accepted Earn 1 calling card in each mode (Multiplayer, Blackout, Zombies) by completeing challenges.
Global Assualt Using an Assualt Rifle, get 50 Kills in Multiplayer, 100 Kills in Zombies and 2 kills in Blackout.
Steady Sherdding Using a Submachine Gun, get 50 Kills in Multiplayer, 100 Kills in Zombies and 2 kills in Blackout.
Deadeye Using a Tactical Rifle, get 50 Kills in Multiplayer, 100 Kills in Zombies and 2 kills in Blackout.
Sniper Using a Sniper Rifle, get 50 Kills in Multiplayer, 100 Kills in Zombies and 2 kills in Blackout.
Heavy Fire Using a Light Machine Gun, get 50 Kills in Multiplayer, 100 Kills in Zombies and 2 kills in Blackout.
Close Quaters Using a Shotgun, get 50 Kills in Multiplayer, 100 Kills in Zombies and 2 kills in Blackout.
Pistoleer Using a Pistol, get 50 Kills in Multiplayer, 100 Kills in Zombies and 2 kills in Blackout.
Equipped For Action Use any piece of equipment to get 25 kills in Multiplayer, 50 kills in Zombies, and 2 kills in Blackout.
Got Rocks Using a Rocket Launcher, get 50 Kills or vehicle destructions in Multiplayer, 100 Kills In Zombies, and 5 Kills in Blackout.
Global Master Complete all Global Challenges.

Multiplayer Challenges

100 Percenter Complete 100% of all Multiplayer challenges


Boot Camp

Challenge Description
Bad Medicine III Kill 25 enemies within 2 seconds of them healing.
Good Medicine III Kill an enemy shortly after healing at least 50 health 10 times.
Commando III Earn 10 multitasker medals (Kill an enemy while climbing over something).
Spotter III Kill 25 enemies who are revealed by a teammate's Fog of War.
X-Ray Vision III Kill 25 enemies by shooting them through objects.
Stalking Prey III Kill 25 enemies while crouched.
Slipshot Kill 5 enemies while sliding.
Survivor Recover full health when you were at 50 health or below at least 3 times in one life 10 times.
Laid To Rest Kill 10 enemies while prone.
Frogman Get 10 underwater kills.
Guerrilla Warfare Get 10 kills with an enemy weapon pickup.
Field Specialist Shoot and destroy 10 pieces of equipment.
Boot Camp Master Complete all Boot Camp challenges.


Challenge Description
Bloodthirsty Killer III Earn 50 Bloodthirsty medals (5 kills without dying).
Merciless Killer III Earn 25 Merciless medals (10 kills without dying).
Ruthless Killer Earn a Ruthless medal (15 kills without dying).
Double Killer III Earn 50 Double kill medals (2 rapid kills).
Triple Killer III Earn 50 Triple kill medals (3 rapid kills).
Fury Killer Earn 1 Fury kill medals (4 rapid kills).
Four Piece Dinner III Earn 10 Quad Feed medals (4 uninterrupted kills in the kill feed).
Going Ham III Get a Double Kill medal (2 rapid kills) or better while earning a Bloodthirsty Medal (5 kills without dying) or better 10 times.
Specialized Killer III Earn a Multikill Medal based on Special Issue Equipment or Weaponry 5 times.
Greedy Earn 5 Collateral medals (kill 2 or more enemies with a single bullet)
Onslaught Get a Double Kill medal (2 or more rapid kills) or better against attackers or defenders in objective games 20 times.
Resistance Earn a Bloodthirsty medal or better against attackers while guarding a single objective (5 or more kills without dying against attackers).
Killer Master Complete all Killer challenges.


Challenge Description
The King Is Dead III Get 100 Kingslayer medals (killed enemy that is on the top of the Scoreboard).
Heartbreaker III Get 25 Buzz Kill medals (killed an enemy to stop their kill streak).
From The Grave III Get 15 Afterlife medals (killed an enemy after you have died).
Blunt Trauma III Get 25 Nosebreaker medals (killed an enemy with a Gun Butt).
Unforgiving III Get 25 Revenge medals (killed the enemy who killed you).
Backfire III Get 25 Backfire medals (killed the enemy with their own weapon).
Nope III Get 25 EKIA against an enemy that shot you from the side or behind.
Knuckleduster III

Get 50 Knockout medals (killed an enemy with your fists).

Arch Nemesis Get 5 kills on your Nemesis in a single game.
Hail Mary Get a long distance kill with the Combat Axe.
Nice Gun Pick up a weapon and get 5 EKIA without dying, with all kills coming from that weapon and at least one of them is the enemy who dropped the weapon.
Surprise Kill 5 enemies with hacked Care Packages (using Engineer Perk).
Humiliation Master Complete all Humiliation challenges.


Challenge Description
Headhunter III Get 5 Headshot medals in a game 25 times.
One Shot Kill III Get 300  One Shot, One Kill medals.
Hard Stop III Get a Headshot medal and One Shot, One Kill medal with the same shot 300 times.
First Blood III Get 25 First Blood medals (first kill of the Match).
Problem Solver III Kill 75 enemies that are shooting at you from partial Cover.
In The Flow III Get a Double Kill (2 rapid kills) or better by getting kills from both primary and secondary weapon 25 times.
Ambidextrous Get 10 kills with a primary or secondary weapon while mantling, stunned or flashed, or any scenario where your left hand is off the gun.
Pull Shoot and kill an enemy that is in the air 5 times.
Clean House Get an EKIA on every player on the enemy team at least once in the same life. Minimum of 4 enemies.
Death Race Using a gun, kill an enemy that is dealing damage to you 10 times.
Far Sighted Get 3 Longshot medals (killed enemy with Long Distance shot) in one life.
Sharpshooter Get 10 One Shot, One Kill medals (kill enemy with one shot) with a Sniper Rifle in a game.
Precision Master Complete all Precision challenges.


Challenge Description
Cry Me A River IV Kill an enemy before they get a single kill from their equipped Special Issue Weapon 50 times.
Done And Done IV Get 100 Shutdown medals (killed an enemy that has a Special Issue Weapon equipped).
Situtaion Normal IV Use Special Issue Weaponry or Special Issue Equipement to shut down an enemy that is using their Special Issue Weapon 50 Times.
Crash Landing Get 10 Shutdown medals against enemies who are using Gravity Slam by killing them before they impact.
Weak Point Get 10 Shutdown medals against enemies who are using Ballistic Shield by shooting them in the back.
Debuffed Get 10 EKIA against enemies who are boosted by the TAK-5 by killing them shortly after damaging them when they have bonus health.
Atomic Drop Get 10 EKIA against enemies who are using Reactor Core.
Buzzkilled Get 10 EKIA against enemies who have Golden Ammo active.
Counter Attack Get 10 EKIA against enemies that are using Special Issue Weaponry or Special Issue Equipment with an RC-XD, Dart, or while controlling the Mantis.
Threat Eliminated Get 10 EKIA against enemies that are on the Objective and actively using Special Issue Weaponry or Equipment.
Lights Out Get 10 Shutdown medals against enemies who have an active Vision Pulse before they pulse the map more than once.
Not This Time Get 5 EKIA against the enemy that flashed or paralyzed you while you are flashed or paralyzed (without Tac Mask equipped).
Kill Joy Master Complete all Killjoys challenges.


Game Victories

Challenge Description
Free For All Victor Finsh in the Top 3 places in 50 matches of Free For All
Team Deathmatch Wins Win 50 matches of Team Deathmatch
Search & Destroy Wins Win 50 matches of Search & Destroy
Domination Wins Win 50 matches of Domination
Hardpoint Wins Win 50 matches of Hardpoint
Control Wins Win 50 matches of Control
Heist Wins Win 50 matches of Heist
Kill Confirmed Wins Win 50 matches of Kill Confirmed
Conquest Win 15 matches of Team Deathmatch with at least 25 point lead of Free for All with at least a 7 point lead over the 2nd place player
Supremacy Win 15 matches of Domination or Hardpoint with a 70 point lead
Shutout Win every round or Search and Destroy, Control or Hiest in 5 matches
Clean Sweep Win 15 matches of Kill Confirmed with at least a 25 point lead
Game Victories Master Complete all Game Victories Challenges

Tour Of Duty

Challenge Description
Career Wins Win 500 games in Public Match and/ or Arena
Grizzled Veteran Earn 1000000 score from Public Match and/ or Arena
Core Vanquisher Win 100 Core Public Match games
Hardcore Vanquisher Win 100 Hardcore games in Public Match
Core Veteran Earn 100000 score from Core Public Match games
Hardcore Veteran Earn 50000 score from Hardcore games in Public Match
Core Superior Complete 100 matches among the Top 3 players in Core Public Match games
Hardcore Superior Complete 75 Hardcore matches among the Top 3 players in Hardcore Public Match games
Kill Collector Get 300 Direct Action Kills in Hardcore
Living On The Edge In Hardcore, get 50 Direct Action Kills while wounded
Things Are Looking Up Get a Kill after healing with Stim Shot 50 times in hardcore
Knuckle Sandwich Get 25 kills in Hardcore using only your fists
Tour Of Duty Master Complete all Tour Of Duty Challenges

Game Heroics

Challenge Description
Top Dog Finish with the highest score of all players in any team game more 50 times
Aggression Get 1000 Objective EKIA in Objective Games
Conquest Capture an objective in objective games 100 times (must be on objective when captured)
Bomb Squad Plant or Defuse the bomb in Search and Destroy 50 times
Proactive Measures Get an EKIA against enemies that are capturing an objective, planting a bomb in Search and Destroy or extracting the cash in Heist 50 times
First Up Earn a Forward Position medal in Hardpoint or an Opening Move medal in Domination 50 times
Wipeout Earn 50 Wipeout medals (cleared 2 attackers from objective)
Finisher Eliminate the last enemy in Control, Heist or Search and Destroy 10 times
Not Outgunned As the last player alive on your team in Heist, Control or Search and Destroy, Eliminate 3 enemies to win the round
Superstar Win a Team Deathmatch, Free For All, Heist or Search and Destroy game and have the most EKIA and least deaths of all players in the game
Ninja Defuse the bomb in Search and Destroy or extract the cash in Heist when enemies are alive and your team is dead 5 times
The Best Around Get featured in the Best Play 25 times
Game Heroics Master Complete all Game Heroics Challenges

Weapon Proficiency

Challenge Description
Career EKIA Get 10000 EKIA with Primary or Secondary weapons (in Matchmaking)
Career Headshots Get 1000 Headshots (in Matchmaking)
Assault Rifle Kills Get 1000 Assult Rifle kills
SMG Kills Get 1000 SMG kills
LMG Kills Get 1000 LMG kills
Tatical Rifles Kills Get 1000 Tactical Rifle kills
Sniper Rifle Kills Get 1000 Sniper Rifle kills
Shotgun Kills Get 1000 Shotgun kills
Pistol Kills Get 1000 Pistol kills
Launcher Get 500 kills or destructions with a Launcher
Knife Kills Get 10 Knife kills
Launcher Kills Get 10 Launcher kills
Weapon Proficiency Master Complete all Weapon Proficiency Challenges


Challenge Description
Assault Marksman Earn Gold Camo on any Assult Rifle
SMG Marksman Earn Gold Camo on any Submachine gun
Tatical Marksman Earn Gold Camo on any Tactical Rifle
LMG Marksman Earn Gold Camo on any Light Machine Gun
Sniper Marksman Earn Gold Camo on any Sniper Rifle
Pistol Marksman Earn Gold Camo on any Pistol
Shotgun Marksman Earn Gold Camo on any Shotgun
Launcher Marksman Earn Gold Camo on the Hellion Salvo

Primary Expert

Earn Diamond Camo on any Primary weapon class
Secondary Expert Earn Diamond Camo on any Secondary weapon class
Customized Activate the highest stage of Gold Camo on any weapon (got 4 rapid kills with weapon equipped)
Bling Activate the second stage of Dark Matter Camo on any weapon (get 10 kills without dying)
Marksman Master Complete all Marksman Challenges


Challenge Description
Spec Weapon Kills Get 1000 EKIA with a Special Issue Weapon
Spec Equipment Kills Get 1000 EKIA with Special Issue Weapon
Team Work Get 300 Assists as a result of your Special Issue Weaponry or Special Issue Equipment
Finish The Job Get 300 EKIA against enemies that have been wounded, flashed. pulsed. detected, paralyzed or slowed by you Specialist Weapon or Special Issue equipment
Spec Weapon Veteran Get 100000 Score using Specialist Weapons
Spec Equipment Veteran Get 100000 Score using Special Issue Equipment
Steady On Get 250 Objective EKIA as a result of using any Special Issue Weaponry
Stay Cool Get 250 Objective EKIA as a result of using any Special Issue Equipment
Double Time Earn 20 Double Kill medals as a result of using any Special Issue Weaponry
Deuces Earn 20 Double Kill medals as a result of using any Special Issue Equipment
Surf's Up Get 10 Wipeout medals (get 2 or more EKIA Objective kills on an objective your team controls) using your Special Issue Weapon or Special Issue Equipment
Nice Get 4 EKIA with a single use of Special Issue Weaponry or Special Issue Equipment
Specialized Master Complete all Specialized Challenges


Air Assault

Challenge Description
Airborne Kills Get 300 kills with Airborne Scorestreaks
Inbound Get 300 Objective EKIA with Airborne Scorestreaks
Dart Kills Get 50 kills with the Dart
Drone Squad Kills Get 50 kills with the Drone Squad
Hellstorm Kills Get 50 kills with the Hellstorm
Lightning Strike Kills Get 50 kills with the Lightning Stike
Attack Chopper Kills Get 50 kills with the Attack Chopper
Thresher Kills Get 50 kills with the Thresher
Sniper's Nest Kills Get 50 kills with the Sniper's Nest
Gunship Kills Get 50 kills with the Gunship
Maximum Payload Get at least 3 kills with a single Hellstorm Missile 10 times
Threat Neutralized Kill 2 or more enemies that are capturing an objective with a Lightning Strike, Hellstorm Missile or Thresher
Air Assault Master Complete all Air Assault Challenges

Ground Assault

Challenge Description
Ground Kills Get 300 kills with Ground-Based Scorestreaks
On Point Get 300 Objective EKIA with Ground-Based Scorestreaks
Sentry Kills Get 50 kills with the Sentry
Mantis Kills Get 50 kills with the Mantis
Strike Team Kills Get 50 kills with the Strike Team
RC-XD Kills Get 50 kills with the RC-XD
RC Multi Bomber Earn a Double Kill medal (2 rapid kills) by detonating the RC-XD
Heavy Cover Get 5 kills from a Sentry without letting it be destroyed
Ground Patrol Get 25 kills while controling the Mantis
Defender Your Strike Team or Sentry gets 25 kills agains attackers when you set it to guard an objective
Sentry Duty Your Sentry defende an objective by killing 3 or more attackers in a single Sentry life
Drive By Get 5 Objective EKIA with the RC-XD
Ground Assault Master Complete all Ground Assault Challenges


Challenge Description
Scorestreak Kills Get 700 kills from Scorstreaks
Scorestreak Assist Get 10000 Assist Score from Scorestreaks
Streaks Inbound Call in 300 Scorestreaks
Counter Intelligence Get 100 EKIA against enemies while your Counter UAV is in the air
Actionable Intel Get 100 EKIA against enemies while your UAV is in the air
UAV Support Get 3000 Assist Score from the UAV
Counter UAV Support Get 3000 Assist Score from the Counter UAV
Anti-Air Specialist Destroy 50 enemy lethal Airborne Scorestreaks
Incognito Destroy 100 enemy UAVs or Counter UAVs
Ground Clearance Destroy 50 Ground-Based Scorestreaks
Feeling Lucky Call in a Care Package and retrieve a Scorestreaks from it 100 times
Road Raging Destroy 5 enemy RC-XDs
Support Master Complete all Support Master Challenges



Challenge Description
Extended Mags Get 500 EKIA while using the Extended Mags attachment
Fast/Hybrid Mags Get 500 EKIA while using Fast Mags or Hybrid Mags
Fast Loader Get 500 Destructions or EKIA while using a Fast Loader attachment
Max Load Get 500 EKIA while using the Max Load attachment
Rocketeer Get 500 Destructions or EKIA while using a Rocket Cache attachment
Grip Get 500 EKIA while aiming down sights using a Grip attachment
Steady Grip Get 500 EKIA while using the Steady Grip attachment
Quick Draw Get 500 EKIA shortly after aiming down sights using the Quickdraw attachment
Stock Get 500 EKIA while aiming down sights using the stock attachment
Stabilizer Get 500 EKIA while aiming down sights using the Stabilizer attachment
Fast Shooting Get 100 EKIA while aiming down sights using Quick Draw, Stock and Grip
Smooth Operator Get 2 EKIA without reloading 25 times with Extended Mag
Handling Master Complete all Handling Challenges


Challenge Description
FMJ Get 100 EKIA by shooting through walls using the FMJ attachment
High Caliber Get 100 Headshots while using the High Caliber attachment
Suppressor Get 300 EKIA while using the Suppressor attachment
Long Barrel Get 300 EKIA while using the Long Barrel attachment
Laser Sight Get 300 EKIA while using the Laser Sight attachment
Rapid Fire Get 300 EKIA while using the Rapid fire attachment
High Explosive Get 300 Destructions or EKIA with a Rocked Launcher that has the High Explosive attachment
Position Secure Get 1 Objective EKIA on the same Objective in a game with a weapon that has Suppressor, Long Barrel and High Caliber equipped
Down Range Get 10 Headshots at long range with High Caliber and Long Barrel equipped
Fast Reflexes Get 5 EKIA in a game shortly after switching weapons with Dexterity Perk, Overkill Wildcard and Laser Sight
Hot Lead Destroy 5 Scorestreaks using a weapon that has the FMJ II attachment equipped
Shredded Get 25 hipfire EKIA with Lasersight and Rapid Fire equipped
Efficiency Master Complete all Efficiency Challenges

Tactical Kits

Challenge Description
Precision Get 300 EKIA with any of the following Operator Mods equipped: Strelok, Belt-Feed, Cross Bar
Bring The Pain Get 300 EKIA with any of the following Operator Mods equipped: Dual Wield, Fat Barrel, Dragon Breath, Skull Splitter
Up Close Kill 100 enemies with Bayonet or Stiletto knife
Accelerated Firing Get 300 EKIA with any of the following Operator Mods equipped: Repeater, Wild fire, Echo fire
Bust Counts Get 300 EKIA with any of the following Operator Mods equipped: Double Tap, Penta Brust, Quad Shot, Bolt Cylinder
Disorientation Get 300 EKIA with any of the following Operator Mods equipped: Oppressor, Strobe Light
Upgrades Get 300 EKIA with a weapon that has an attachment Upgrade equipped
Very Upgraded Get 300 EKIA with a weapon that has 2 attachment upgrades equipped
Coming Through Get 25 hipfire EKIA while moving with Lasersight II and any of the following Operator Mods: Repeater, Wild Fire, Echo Fire
Steady Shooting Get 10 Headshots with Skull Splitter and Long Barrel II equipped on the Mozu
Rapid Response Get 25 EKIA aiming down sights shortly after reloading with the following attachments equipped: Fast Mags II and Quickdraw
Far Sighted Get 25 EKIA at long range with a Tactical Rifle equipped with a Recon optic, Long barrel, and any of the following Operator Mods Equipped: Double Tap, Penta Burst.
Tactical Kits Master Complete all Tactical Kits Challenges


Challenge Description
Acoustic Sensor Get 300 EKIA on enemies detected by your Acoustic Sensor
Body Armor Get 300 EKIA on enemies shortly after they damage you when you have Body Armor equipped
Stim Shot Get 100 EKIA after surviving damage and fully healing with Stim Shot equipped
Equipment Charge Get 300 EKIA on enemies as a result of Specialist Equipment while equipped with Equipment Charge
Comsec Device Earn 100 Scorestreaks with COMSEC Device equipped
Filithy Rich Earn 5 Scorestreaks in one life 10 times while using COMSEC Device
Persistens Get 25 Objective EKIA shortly after taking damage and healing fully with Stim Shot equipped
All-Seeing Equip Acoustic Sensor and Tracker and get 15 EKIA in a game agains enemies detected by Acoustic Sensor
Charged Up Get 10 EKIA in a game as a result of your Specialist Equipment while equipped with Equipment Charge
Not Today Survive critical damage by fully healing while equipped with Stim Shot and get an EKIA agains the enemy that Damage you shortly after healing 10 times
Bad Idea Get 25 Headshot kills against enemies who shot your Body Armor
Job Done Get 5 Objective EKIA in a game as a result of your Specialist Equipment while equipped with Equipment Charge
Gear Master Complete all Gear Challenges


Challenge Description
Cold Blooded Destroy 100 AI controlled Scorestreaks while using Cold Blooded
Engineer Destroy 100 pieces of enemy Equipment or Scorestreaks while using Engineer
Tactical Mask Get 100 EKIA while stunned, blinded, slowed, irradieted or when an enemy Counter UAV is active when using Tactical Mask
Flak Jacket Surrvive 25 explosions or fire famage from Molotovs or Purifier while using Flak Jacket
Team Link Get 300 EKIA that are revealed by your teamate's Fog of War or your own Fog of War reveal radius while using Team Link
Dead Silence Get 500 EKIA while using Dead Silence
Ghost Get 100 EKIA when the Enemy UAV is active, or when in the radius of an enemy Sensor Dart while using Ghost
Tracker Get 500 EKIA on enemies detected by Tracker
Gung Ho Get 300 EKIA while sprinting, shortly after sprinting, or with Equipment that was used while sprinting while using Gung Ho
Lightweight Kill 500 enemies while using Lightweight
Dexterity Get 100 EKIA just after swapping weapons, or when Jumping or Mantling while using Dexterity
Scavanger Get 300 EKIA after resupplying ammo with Scavenger
Perks Master Complete all Perks Challenges


Challenge Description
Frag Kill 50 Enemies with the Frag
Trophy System Destroy 50 enemy projectiles with the Trophy System
Molotov Kill 50 Enemies with the Molotov
Concussion Get 50 EKIA on enemies stunned by your Concussion Grenade
Combat Axe Kill 50 Enemies with the Combat Axe
Fire Discipline Get a double kill or better 2 times in a match with all kills coming from one of the following: Frag, Molotov, or Combat Axe
Chophouse Equip 2 Combat Axes, then get a kill with the first throw of each Combat Axe in one life 5 times
Master Chef Kill 10 enemies with a cooked Frag
Insurance Policy Use the Trophy System to defend Scorestreaks or deployed Special Issue Weaponry or Equipment from projectiles 15 times
Air Cover Use the Trophy System to defend the objective from incoming enemy projectile 25 times
Snack Attack Get a Popcorn Medal (double kill or better with the frag) 5 times
Pest Control Get 10 Objective EKIA against enemies that are stunned by your Concussion Grenade
Equipment Master Complete all Equipment Challenges


Challenge Description
Primary Gunfighter Get 500 EKIA with 3 attachments on your Primary Weapon
Secondary Gunfighter Get 300 EKIA with 3 attchments on your Secondary Weapon
Overkill Get an EKIA with your primary and Secondary Weapon in the same life 100 times while using Overkill
Underkill Get an EKIA with your primary and Secondary Weapon in the same life 100 times while using Underkill
Perk 1 Greed Get 300 EKIA when playing with a class that has 2 perks from Perk 1
Perk 2 Greed Get 300 EKIA when playing with a class that has 2 perks from Perk 2
Perk 3 Greed Get 300 EKIA when playing with a class that has 2 perks from Perk 3
Perk 1 Gluttony Get 300 EKIA while equipped with 3 perks from Perk 1
Perk 2 Gluttony Get 300 EKIA while equipped with 3 perks from Perk 2
Perk 3 Gluttony Get 300 EKIA while equipped with 3 perks from Perk 3
Operator Mod Get 300 EKIA with a weapon that has an Operator Mod attachment
Rulebreaker Get 100 EKIA when you have 2 or more Wildcards equipped
Wildcard Master Complete all Wildcard Challenges

Dark Ops

Challenge Completion
Obtained Earn Dark Matter Camo by earning Diamond on all weapons in the game
Relentless 10 x 20 killstreaks(no scorestreak kills)
Brutal Killer 25 killstreak (no scorestreak kills)
Nuclear Killer 30 killstreak (no scorestreak kills)
Frenzy Killer 5 rapid kills (no scorestreak kills)
Mega Killer 6 rapid kills (no scorestreak kills)
Ultra Killer 7 rapid kills (no scorestreak kills)
Chain Killer 8+ rapid kills (no scorestreak kills)
Nuked Out 30 killstreak in Free For All gametype(no scorestreak kills)
Gemmed Out Activate the highest tier of Dark Matter Camo (Nuclear Medal) with every Primary Weapon. Must have weapon equipped.
From The Depths 25 kills against enemies that are on land when you are shooting at them from underwater with a primary or secondary weapon
Shrug It Off Survive a direct hit from an enemy RC-XD and kill the enemy who was driving it in the same life
Fire With Fire Kill an enemy that is using the purifier with a molotov
Get It Outta Here Get a shutdown medal by killing an enemy that has activated Grav Slam while they are still in the air after using the Grapple Gun

Blackout Challenges

100 Percenter Complete 100% of all Blackout challenges







Dark Ops

Challenge Completion Merit Reward
Back In The Ground Kill 100 zombies(does not have to be in a single match) 25
Zombie Jams In the diner west of Array, interact to play the jukebox 25
Red Light, Green Light At Cargo Docks at either end of the ship is a buoy with a loot box (may not always spawn) 25
Open The Blast Doors At Fracking Tower, north of the blast doors is a small platform with buttons to interact with 25
Practice Makes Perfect At Firing Range shoot a bullseye from 90m or more 25
Respect Your Elders Pay your respects to Tanbor Fudgely. Interact with the memorial located in grid reference F6, near the bridge to the southeast of Rivertown that leads east to Turbine, stand on the slab nearest to the memorial 25
Baller Score a basket with a basketball, at Estates or west of Train Station 25
Fist Fighter Kill an enemy using only your fists 25

Zombies Challenges

100 Percenter

Complete 100% of all Zombie challenges

Zombie Expert

Zombie Hunter

Challenge Description
Exterminator V Kill 10,000 Zombies
Stabtastic III Kill 100 Zombies with melee
Headhunter V Headshot 2,000 Zombies
No Second Chances III Kill 100 Crawlers
Power Killer III Kill 5,000 Zombies with a Pack-a-Punched weapon
Power Assassin III

Kill 5,000 Zombies using a Re-Packed weapon

Demolisher III Kill 500 Zombies with explosives
Heavy Duty III Kill 200 Heavy Zombies
Like A Boss III Kill 200 Mini-Boss Zombies
Curiosity III Kill 1,000 Catalyst Zombies
More Than One Way III Kill 250 Catalyst Zombies using the corresponding reactive AAT's
...Got Your Tongue III Deny 500 Catalyst Zombie Transformations
Zombie Hunter Master Complete all Zombie Hunter Challenges

Zombie Survivalist

Challenge Description
Gambler III Buy 100 Weapons from the Mystery Box
Perk Me Up III Buy 200 Perks
Off The Shelf III Buy 200 Weapons off Walls
Open Sesame III Open 200 Doors
Helping Hand III Revive 50 Players
Zurvivor V Survive 1,000 Rounds
Still Standing III Survive 200 Rounds without being knocked down
Untouchable III Survive 200 Rounds without being damaged
Power Grab III Grab 200 Powerups
Big Spender V Spend 1,000,000 Total Points
Shortcutter III Use Fast Travel 100 Times

Perk-O-Lator III

Buy All 4 Perk Vapors in 100 Matches
Zombie Survivalist Master Complete all Zombie Survivalist Challenges

Zombie Strategist

Challenge Description
Punch Drunk III Activate Pack-A-Punch 25 Times
Pack Attacker III Pack 100 Weapons
Pack Stacker III Double Pack 100 Weapons
The Best Offense III Kill 500 Zombies While Using the Shield
Signed Shield Delivered III Build 25 shields
Pulverizer V Kill 2,000 Zombies with the Hammer or Overkill
Crowd Controller V Kill 2,000 Zombies with the Chakram or Hellfire
Death Dealer V Kill 2,000 Zombies with the Viper and Dragon or Path of Sorrows
Powermancer V Kill 2,000 Zombies with the Scepter or Ragnarok DG-5
Resurrectionist III Revive 100 Players with the Scepter
Escalation III Level Up Special Weapon 100 Times
Maximum Effort III Kill 5,000 Zombies with Fully Leveled Special Weapons
Zombie Strategist Master Complete all Zombie Strategist Challenges

Zombie Toolkit

Elixirs and Talismans

Challenge Description
Chug-a-Lixir Use 100 Consumable Elixirs
Shock Props Electrify 200 Zombies with Pop Shocks
Contents Hot Burn 200 Zombies with Burned Out
Perk Saver Preserve 40 Perks with Aftertaste
Ace Up My Sleeve Spawn 80 powerups by using Elixirs
Armed Alacrity Top off your Special Weapon charge 40 times using Arsenal Accelerator
Share The Wealth Use Point Drops to give points to another player in 20 matches
Sanctuary Avoid damage from 80 traps using Anti-Entrapment
Express Cashier Get 200 instant kill head shots using Head Scan
EMT Revive 40 Players you teleported to using Nowhere but There
Wafer-Thin Refresh your Equipment 40 times with Equip Mint
Charmed Use 50 Talismans
Elixir And Talisman Master Complete all Elixir and Talisman Chellenges

Weapons and Equipment

Challenge Description
Gunslinger Kill 10,000 Zombies with a Pistol
Shots All Round Kill 10,000 Zombies with a Shotgun
Assault Shaker Kill 10,000 Zombies with an Assault Rifle
Suppressing Fire Kill 10,000 Zombies with an LMG
Dead Eye Kill 10,000 Zombies with a Sniper Rifle
Subversive Kill 10,000 Zombies with an SMG
Tic-Tactical-Toe Kill 10,000 Zombies with a Tactical Rifle
Fragged Kill 500 Zombies with Frag Grenades
Meltdown Kill 500 Zombies with Acid Bombs
Wraith To The Finish Kill 500 Zombies with Wraith Fires
Storm Of The Sentry Kill 500 Zombies with Sentries
Front Toward Enemy Kill 500 Zombies with Claymores
Weapon And Equipment Master Complete all Weapon and Equipment Challenges


Challenge Description
Stab-a-Thon Kill 1,000 Zombies with the Bowie Knife
Precision Get 10,000 kills with any of the following Operator Mods equipped: Strelok, Belt-Feed, Cross Bar.
Bring The Pain Get 10,000 kills with any of the following Operator Mods equipped: Dual Wield, Fat Barrel, Dragon Breath, Skull Splitter.
Up Close Kill 1,000 enemies with a Bayonet or Stiletto Knife.
Accelerated Firing Get 10,000 kills with any of the following Operator Mods equipped: Repeater, Wild Fire, Echo Fire.
Burst Counts Get 10,000 kills with any of the following Operator Mods equipped: Double Tap, Penta Burst, Long Burst, Bolt Cylinder.
Disorientation Get 10,000 kills with any of the following Operator Mods equipped: Oppressor, Strobe Light.
Mule Kicker Get 2,000 Headshots using a 3rd Weapon with Mule Kick
Atmosphere's Electric Get 500 Kills using the Electric Burst Melee Buff
Deadly Eye Get 1,000 Kills using the Deadshot Damage Modifier
Death Slider Get 500 Kills using the PhD Slider Explosions
Stone Cold Killer Get 2,000 Headshots using Stone Cold Stronghold
Prestigious Master Complete all Prestigious Challenges

Dark Ops

Challenge Description
Sea Legs Complete the Main Quest on Voyage of Despair with no downs
Sands Of Time Complete the Main Quest on IX in under 99 minutes
Perkless In Prison Complete the Main Quest on Blood of the Dead using zero Perks
Put To The Quest Complete all 3 Main Quests on the first 3 Maps
Perk Maestro Activate every Perk Modifier
Dodgy Devil Get to Round 20 in a Classic Match without being hit.(Can be done in casual).
Pack A Wallop Double Pack-A-Punch every weapon
Reaper Of The Undead Get 1,000,000 Kills
Rush On The Bank Get 50,000,000 total Rush Points
One Of Us Complete half of all Dark Ops Challenges
Stand Trial Complete Trial #1 for each of the first 3 Maps
Down With The Ship Complete 415 Defends on Voyage of Despair in Rush
Zombies Dark Ops Master Complete all Dark Ops Challenges


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